Episode 19: Lou Sandoval

To try and introduce Lou Sandoval is quite a task, given his wealth of experience and skill in many different areas. Lou is a fascinating personality and native of Chicago’s south-east side, who over time has been a professional in pharmaceuticals, an entrepreneur, a diversity coach and now an author! In this episode of the podcast, Lou shares about what it was like growing up in Chicago, being educated here, and what was most important to him as he started life as an adult in the city. An entrepreneur by nature, Lou gives some great thoughts for young entrepreneurs and how he was able to stick it out and create something that had value. Lou collected these thoughts and pieces of advice into his new book, Tenacity for Life: Lessons in Life, Business and the World. Lou’s experience (and failures) is absolutely a valuable resource for everyone, regardless of where you are at in life and your career.

You can connect with Lou here!


Episode 20: Seth Hanford, Elgin Academy


Episode 18: Reading in Motion